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Orgaia’s Prof Giovanni Scapagnini regular expert guest on RAI TV’s Health & Science programme

The President of the Scientific Board of Orgaia, Prof. Giovanni Scapagnini has returned to RAI TV as the regular expert guest of the weekly health & science programme broadcast at prime time on Saturday mornings.

RAI is Italy’s National TV Network. The programme titled BUONGIORNO BENESSERE (Wellbeing Morning) includes a live studio audience and focuses on the latest scientific discoveries in nutrition, wellbeing and beauty. Italy is the first country in Europe in terms of longevity.

In the first episode of the new TV series Prof. Scapagnini talks about extending longevity and Telomere and Chomosome integrity thanks to the effects of the Mediterranean Diet. During the programme Prof. Scapagnini also developed a live experiment to demonstrate the positive effects of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant natural ingredients.

To view the video highlights of the first programme. Click on Video below.

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adminOrgaia’s Prof Giovanni Scapagnini regular expert guest on RAI TV’s Health & Science programme
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